In Path of Exile, if you are making a raider build and you are trying to figure out if three step assault are poe items that’s usable for endgame, is it? Or is atziri’s step better.
Pretty simple – if you take Raider’s Onslaught line, then Three-step Assault is better. If not, then Atziri’s Step is better. Is the 100% evasion rating global is better than the 180% evasion rating local I guess?
This will depend on the amount of evasion you have on your gear unfortunately. If you don’t have a lot of evasion on gear and wearing something like a Belly of the Beast, Atziri’s Step will give you more evasion than a Three-Step. You can test it out on path of building.
If you’re taking the Raider’s Onslaught passives and don’t have a lot of evasion, then you’re doing something seriously wrong – 25% more chance to evade is huge and it gets better and better the more evasion you have (with 76% chance to evade, it gets boosted to the evasion cap of 95%). That’s why I said it’s a no-brainer for an Onslaught Raider build – that 100% global boost more than makes up for the lower local evasion rating.
In the past, when the bonus was only 40%, it was closer, but now, you would have to have a very low base evasion value or a very high evasion% rating for Atiziri’s Step to give you more than Three-Step when Onslaught is active.
For example, in a build with 2000 base evasion (basically, Three-Step, your LV bonus, and a mediocre evasion body armour with no other evasion gear), you’d need over 310% increased evasion rating for Atziri’s Step to give you more evasion.
So any build that uses Grace automatically gets enough evasion that Three – Step will result in more total evasion if you can reliably keep Onslaught up. Hopefully the above guide will be helpful to you. If you do not want to lag behind others due to lack of orbs, you can buy chaos orbs on U4GM.